Books on My Nightstand

  • Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet by Jamie Ford
  • Sloppy Firsts by Megan McCafferty

17 June 2010

The Gallery

I took B to the Gallery of Art today. It actually wasn't very smart of me because he had a cranky morning. However, the thought of spending the day in J's apartment with Cranky Pants was enough to drive me to drinking before 10am. So, we ate an early lunch and were out the door by 12:15pm. Did I mention B cried in his bed until after 8pm and awoke at 6am? Oh, and he took a whopping 30 minute nap in the morning? Yes, I took him to an art museum. It seemed like the logical thing to do. Believe it or not he did well. I reclined his stroller seat in the hope that he would nod off, but of course he did not. Fortunately, there were no breakdowns for either of us :) I was even able to enjoy the exhibit! I do love walking around an art museum and wondering what it must have been like to create something that 1000s of people 100s of years later are still admiring. After returning home I allowed B to cry himself to sleep. Let's hope he makes the most of this nap. I'm not sure I can handle a repeat of this morning!

15 June 2010

Oh city life how I love you

So I am traveling with B this week. We went home with my brother-in-law (who is more like my brother) to stay in DC. I find that I have to get away every couple months or else I get a little crazy. By 'get away' I mean go to the city. I'm not really partial to a city. Any city will do, but one with a metro, free museums and a free place to stay is always a bonus :) It's Tuesday and I have already enjoyed a lunch out with one of my DC friends and shopping. This morning after B's first nap we headed to Target to return a purchase and checked out cameras at Best Buy. We did all that and still made it back in time to eat lunch and get B down for an afternoon nap. At home that would have involved a 45 minute car ride, no nap, a cranky baby and an exhausted me. Instead, I caught an episode of Brothers & Sisters, enjoyed some coffee, AND made it out to shop! Fabulous. If the weather cooperates B and I are going to metro down to the National Gallery of Art to check out From Impressionism to Modernism: The Chester Dale Collection. I was totally born to live like this. I guess it just shows what you'll do for love. I know S would move for me but I also know it would kill his spirit. Instead, we compromise; We travel as much and as far as we can afford :)

13 June 2010

Road Trip

We left this morning with my brother-in-law, J, to return to DC for a week. I love being able to travel in the summer. So far this morning we dropped K off@Pitt airport and met up with some of J and T's friends for lunch. Lunch in the city is definitely on my list of Favorite Things To Do
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